Port Scanner GUI in Python 3
In this post we’re going to take some code from a previous post ‘Port Scanner in Python 3‘ and converting it into a program with a graphical interface that you could run from a mobile device or desktop.
You can watch the video above to follow along with the programming. I am using PyDroid application for android to program and test out the code.
Mostly everything should be explained in the video, but if I missed anything just leave a comment below and I’ll definitely help you out. 😉
We’re using all standard Python libraries which should be included with your installation and tkinter for the actual graphical interface.
You can download the code and run it or copy and paste below:
Port Scan GUI – Download Code
import socket,sys,threading,time from tkinter import * # ==== Scan Vars ==== ip_s = 1 ip_f = 1024 log = [] ports = [] target = 'localhost' # ==== Scanning Functions ==== def scanPort(target, port): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(4) c = s.connect_ex((target, port)) if c == 0: m = ' Port %d \t[open]' % (port,) log.append(m) ports.append(port) listbox.insert("end", str(m)) updateResult() s.close() except OSError: print('> Too many open sockets. Port ' + str(port)) except: c.close() s.close() sys.exit() sys.exit() def updateResult(): rtext = " [ " + str(len(ports)) + " / " + str(ip_f) + " ] ~ " + str(target) L27.configure(text = rtext) def startScan(): global ports, log, target, ip_f clearScan() log = [] ports = [] # Get ports ranges from GUI ip_s = int(L24.get()) ip_f = int(L25.get()) # Start writing the log file log.append('> Port Scanner') log.append('='*14 + '\n') log.append(' Target:\t' + str(target)) try: target = socket.gethostbyname(str(L22.get())) log.append(' IP Adr.:\t' + str(target)) log.append(' Ports: \t[ ' + str(ip_s) + ' / ' + str(ip_f) + ' ]') log.append('\n') # Lets start scanning ports! while ip_s <= ip_f: try: scan = threading.Thread(target=scanPort, args=(target, ip_s)) scan.setDaemon(True) scan.start() except: time.sleep(0.01) ip_s += 1 except: m = '> Target ' + str(L22.get()) + ' not found.' log.append(m) listbox.insert(0, str(m)) def saveScan(): global log, target, ports, ip_f log[5] = " Result:\t[ " + str(len(ports)) + " / " + str(ip_f) + " ]\n" with open('portscan-'+str(target)+'.txt', mode='wt', encoding='utf-8') as myfile: myfile.write('\n'.join(log)) def clearScan(): listbox.delete(0, 'end') # ==== GUI ==== gui = Tk() gui.title('Port Scanner') gui.geometry("400x600+20+20") # ==== Colors ==== m1c = '#00ee00' bgc = '#222222' dbg = '#000000' fgc = '#111111' gui.tk_setPalette(background=bgc, foreground=m1c, activeBackground=fgc,activeForeground=bgc, highlightColor=m1c, highlightBackground=m1c) # ==== Labels ==== L11 = Label(gui, text = "Port Scanner", font=("Helvetica", 16, 'underline')) L11.place(x = 16, y = 10) L21 = Label(gui, text = "Target: ") L21.place(x = 16, y = 90) L22 = Entry(gui, text = "localhost") L22.place(x = 180, y = 90) L22.insert(0, "localhost") L23 = Label(gui, text = "Ports: ") L23.place(x = 16, y = 158) L24 = Entry(gui, text = "1") L24.place(x = 180, y = 158, width = 95) L24.insert(0, "1") L25 = Entry(gui, text = "1024") L25.place(x = 290, y = 158, width = 95) L25.insert(0, "1024") L26 = Label(gui, text = "Results: ") L26.place(x = 16, y = 220) L27 = Label(gui, text = "[ ... ]") L27.place(x = 180, y = 220) # ==== Ports list ==== frame = Frame(gui) frame.place(x = 16, y = 275, width = 370, height = 215) listbox = Listbox(frame, width = 59, height = 6) listbox.place(x = 0, y = 0) listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>') scrollbar = Scrollbar(frame) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) listbox.config(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=listbox.yview) # ==== Buttons / Scans ==== B11 = Button(gui, text = "Start Scan", command=startScan) B11.place(x = 16, y = 500, width = 170) B21 = Button(gui, text = "Save Result", command=saveScan) B21.place(x = 210, y = 500, width = 170) # ==== Start GUI ==== gui.mainloop()
Please note that some positioning and size for elements may vary between mobile devices to a tablet or a desktop and so on. I was programming this in my Android device so the rendering might not exactly match your device.
Regardless, it should not impact functionality unless some element is outside the viewing frame. Make sure to adjust for your needs.
Also feel free to post some screenshots with sick color schemes! 😀
That’s it guys, hope ya enjoy this one!
Great explanation and video on this topic, I was following along on pydroid, I installed the right packages (at least I think) and it loads the user interface, and when trying to search ports open of an ip, it doesnt work, even tried to copy and paste your code and still was not working. Please can you help, wondering if they are common mistakes that I might be making. Thank you